Hello every time everyone says go and check your website loading speed then you go to search a tool which tell what is the loading speed but it sometimes failed so to help you give you correct reports for your website loading speed Tips and Tricks as brought an Speed Test Tool
Why to check speed of your website
If the Loading speed of your website is slow then visitors leave your site even if you have good articles to avoid this we have check our loading time very now and then an optimize and reduce and remove unnecessary Javascripts and maintain your loading time. don’t go your loading time beyond 2.0 seconds
How to use this tool
1. Enter the address of the page you want to check the speed for into the text box. (eg. riteshsanap4u.blogspot.com)
You can enter up to 10 different websites to check the speed for. After entering the first address, press Enter and enter a new address on the new line.
2. Click the “Check!” button.
The results will provide a rough estimation of the speed however at some point the server may lag which will cause the results to vary.
If the results are highlighted red, this means the website is either slow or offline. If the results are highlighted in blue, this means the website is extra fast comparing to the average loading time.