Now a days you see many leading sites with link displaying Set as Homepage. this is an good think to do with if your visitors make your site as an homepage whenever they open the browser your page will display as well as it will increase you blogs rank.
How to add this Link?
1. You can add it by selecting the Add HTML/JAVASCRIPT.
2. By Putting in the Body tag.
You have to put the Following code:
<a href=”#” onclick=”’url(#default#homepage)’;this.setHomePage(‘‘);”>Click here to make Tips and Ticks your default homepage</a>
the Text Shown in red color is the text you have to put for diplay. and the text in Green color is the Link of your site.
add an image for how it works as a prewiew
i want anshuldudeja new blogger template new please provide for me as a link in my blog by commenting please