One of my friend wrote asking me how to disable the zoom feature (using CTRL + mouse scroll) in Internet Explorer, as the zoom level in Internet Explorer changes when the CTRL key is accidentally pressed when scrolling a webpage using mouse. Sometimes this does happen to me as well, and the only workaround that I know is to disable the zoom level feature altogether. This also prevents you from changing the zoom level via the View menu in Internet Explorer. If you don’t use the zoom feature in IE, go ahead with this registry edit.
Disabling the Zoom Level Feature in Internet Explorer
Start Regedit.exe and navigate to:
If the Zoom key doesn’t exist by default, create one manually.
Create a new DWORD (32 bit) value named ZoomDisabled
Double-click ZoomDisabled and set its data to 1
Exit the Registry Editor.
Registry Fix
To automate the above, download and run disable-iezoom.reg file. To enable the zoom feature if you need it later, run enable-iezoom.reg.