This tutorial will guide you to place the navigation bar of the thesis that is at the top to place it below the header. for this we will use thesis_nav_menu hook to place the nav menu below header.
This is gonna be a quit simple tutorial you have to add just few lines of code in custom_functions.php.To move the navigation bar below the header just add the following code in the custom_functions.php :
//Move nav below header remove_action('thesis_hook_before_header', 'thesis_nav_menu'); add_action('thesis_hook_after_header', 'thesis_nav_menu'); |
Explaination :
remove_action() at line 2 :
if you properly check the code , you will see at line 2 we are using remove_action() function to remove the nav bar from the header
add_action() at line 3 :
at line 3 you can see that we are again adding the thesis_nav_menu but the location is different now its thesis_hook_after_header.
Hope you like it and find it useful. will be waiting for your feedback.
Tesis is one of the best wordpress theme! Thank for this hack, i use this theme in other blog, but is cool.
Thank you for the useful tutorial.