Yesterday a reader asked for How to get back his details when he was registered on Demonoid before it went down. As most of you might know Demonoid tracker was down for over a span of 2 years and just recently came back online. Over these long 2 years, many of the users have forgotten their passwords and username for their user accounts on Demonoid. So let’s take a look at how we can recover those:
I know my Demonoid username and password
Demonoid uses username to log into a user account so if you remember your username than it is easy to log into Demonoid, just type the username and password into its login form.

Login form at the top on Demonoid site
I know my username but forgot password
If you have lost your password then just click on “lost pass?” link and on the next screen just enter username and email ID, then you will receive an email with a link to reset password.

Password Reset form on Demonoid
I don’t remember my username on Demonoid
This for those visitors who know they registered on Demonoid but after a span of 2 years cannot remember the login details.
Demonoid after their resurrection received lots of requests that the users forgot or didn’t remember their usernames, as a solution to that request Demonoid released a new form to recover usernames.
So, to recover your username visit Forgotten username page and add you email ID in the form and press submit.

Add your email ID to recover username
On the next page you will see your username using that you can login into Demonoid.
I hope this might have helped in getting back to Demonoid, now that The Pirate Bay (TBP) is once again offline and no signs of its resurrections are there.