Hi Friends today i m going to tell you a simple trick that is very useful, When ever we see a Email sent by our wordpress site it is normally sent by wordpress@yoursite.com . So todays trick will let you change the Email Address of your wordpress blog to youremailid.com
wordpress@yoursite.com to youremailid.com |
for me it will be
wordpress@best2know.info to riteshsanap@gmail.com |
To Implement this you just have to Follow the Below Steps :
- First Login to your WordPress Blog
- Then Go to Appearance and in it for Editor
- In editor navigate to Functions.php
- In Functions.php add the below code :
/* * Filter wp_mail's blog name and email address * default will show WordPress and WordPress@sitename.com * If you don't want default use these two functions */ function res_fromemail($email) { $wpfrom = get_option( 'admin_email' ); return $wpfrom; } function res_fromname($email){ $wpfrom = get_option( 'blogname' ); return $wpfrom; } add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'res_fromemail'); add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'res_fromname');
- Then Save it
Now we have implement the code successfully give it a test try and let me have the feedBack.
If you like it then do share it
Thanks, it really helped me