Whenever I’m on Windows 8 and try to open Google or Gmail in Chrome (Or any other service associated with Google) it mostly likely does not load and Chrome throws error of either Nameserver not found, or any other random error but if you try to visit these sites by using a different browser then it loads quickly.
well usually google is mostly my homepage so it is irritating whenever you open a browser and if the first page does not load, it feels like as if the Internet is disconnected. According to my guess most of the people also have their homepage as google, so I can feel how irritating it is to see the first page throwing around an error.
Well it not a big issue and you are not the only one to get this problem, it is kind of known problem for many chrome users around the globe and Google Developer are working to fix the problem but we will have to wait till the new Update of chrome for fixing the problem.
Now lets begin on how to fix chrome :
- Open Google Chrome
- In address bar type
- Here you will see a red color bar, In the drop down select Sockets
- Then click Flush Socket pools
- Now go on and open google.com or Gmail
Well with this your browser should be working properly, if you still have problem then try restarting the computer or restarting Google Chrome. if still not working then leave a comment below while explaining in brief what is the problem while we still wait for Chrome developers new update fixing the Chrome issues for not opening google.