In thesis by default their is only one navigation bar that also mostly at the top. if you want to expose your categories then you mostly have to add them in sidebar using Category widget. but mostly we need add them at the top so that people can pay attention to it and visit.
To add Separate Nav Menu for Categories if have to add few lines of code in custom_functions.php. This includes thesis_hook_after_header hook and a simple WordPress code to call out Categories.
So for adding Separate Nav Menu for Categories add the below line of code in custom_functions.php :
function cat_nav() { ?> <ul id="cat_tabs" class="menu"> <?php wp_list_categories('title_li='); ?> </ul> <?php } add_action('thesis_hook_after_header','cat_nav'); |
Save the file and now check your website it will be having Categories under the header. you can add the bar at different location by changing the location of hook at line 7. you can get Different Thesis Hooks here. you can also design the nav bar using CSS in custom.css
Hope you like it and will be waiting for your feedback.