Hi today i m going to to tell how to add hello bar in thesis or WordPress. few days back i saw hello bar on most of the sites i visited to i thought to get it one. i got one from hellobar.com, if you need one account register their or just contact me to get an Invite.
What exactly is Hello Bar ?
Hello Bar is a fun, unobtrusive yet highly visible web toolbar that sits at the top of your website and is a great way to engage users and get them to take immediate action.
WordPress Installation :
for installing Hello Bar in WordPress its quit too easy. Just follow the below steps :
- Login to your WordPress Dashboard
- Go to Appearance >> Editor
- Select Header.php and find for <body> and just after that Add your Hello Bar code their. for example :
<body> <script type="text/javascript" src="//www.hellobar.com/hellobar.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> new HelloBar(17972,14058); </script>
- Save header.php and please don’t copy the above code its only for example. and place it only if you need to show my hello bar of your site
Thesis Installation :
Now you are over with the Normal WordPress theme if you are using Thesis then you need to use some different steps , to display Hello bar on thesis then follow the below steps :
- Login to WordPress Dashboard
- Go to Thesis >> Custom File Editor
- Select custom_functions.php and add the below code :
function hello_bar() { ?> Your Hello bar script here <?php } add_action('thesis_hook_before_header','hello_bar');
- Now just replace “Your Hello bar script here” with your own Hello Bar script and then save it
Yipee , now we have just learned to install Hello Bar on WordPress and Thesis. Now a gift or just a easy way for you to add the hello bar script theirs a plugin out their in WordPress Plugin directory named The Hello Bar through which you can install your hello bar. directly using WordPress Admin interface and you wont also have to do all these steps even if you change the theme.
Hope you like the Post , I would love to have your feedback.
Hi Ritesh,
You have a very nice website, and very informative, using wordpress and thesis!
Thank you Mark i m extremely happy to hear those words. it made me more confident :)
I will try and put up the hello bar on my blog and hopefully I’ll come back to thank you later…
Just in case I forget thanks in advance ;)
Thank you The_Lazy_Nerd :)
Any idea how to place the Hello bar under the header?
Sorry Lenny,
The Hello Bar is been programmed to always appear at the top of the page.
Another easy way to do it in Thesis is to add the code to the , Just go to ‘Site Options’ then select additional scripts and cut and paste your code. Important note: You won’t see it until you log out of WordPress.